Cult Awareness and Education Involvement

July 2014

I had the amazing, life changing opportunity to attend International Cultic Studies Association’s (ICSA) conference in Washington D.C. During these 4 days I met in person many cultic experts who I have been talking to through email and on the phone for over a year. It was wonderful to get to know these advocates and educators better, and hear more about their ongoing work. I also had the opportunity to meet many former members of cults around the world, and experience for the first time that comradery and understanding only felt between survivors. I made many new, and I believe, lifelong friends at this conference, and I appreciate all who took time to talk with me and help me learn more.

I learned so much in the sessions. They were all so good, but my favorite presentations were the ones only open to former members. I attended the preconference session for former members, which prepared us all for any possible triggers throughout the conference as well as gave us all an opportunity to introduce ourselves and tell a little of our story. After this session, I felt that I had a much better handle on what to expect during the conference, and often over the next few days I found myself referring back to material presented in this first session. The other presentation that I got the most out of was the session on boundaries. Many of us former cult members have no idea where to even begin with setting boundaries….we aren’t even sure what a boundary is most of the time. But I came away from this session having learned so much, and with many necessary tools for my healing journey and to be able to help others along the way.

I also attended a few educational presentations about legal advocacy for those in cults or who have recently left a cult and about basic human rights advocacy. I left this conference happy because I learned so much and met so many amazing people, but also sad because I felt that I was leaving family….kindred spirits. But until we meet again, we will all continue to give ourselves to the work that we feel inspired and called to complete.

August 2015

Move Forward hosted the 1st Cult Awareness Conference in Fairbanks, AK. The speakers included Dr. Janja Lalich, expert in cultic studies; Mark Roggeman, 30 year veteran of the Denver Police Department and cult specialist; David Clark, though reform consultant; Allen Tate Wood, counselor and consultant on thought reform and the psychology of the cult phenomenon;  Janet Heimlich, author of Breaking Their Will; and myself.

August 2018

Vennie Kocsis and I co-hosted the 2nd Cult Awareness Conference in Fairbanks, AK. We invited speakers – Dr. Janja Lalich, expert in cultic studies; District Attorney Reese Frederickson; David Clark, thought reform consultant; and Phil Elberg, attorney. Vennie and I also spoke about our upbringing in the Move of God cult.

One thought on “Cult Awareness and Education Involvement

  1. You know, I left this conference feeling an immense amount of growth. Every single situation from the very beginning to the very end, has left me in the past couple of days learning and realizing more than ever before. I can walk away from that 9 days saying that it was a truly positive experience. Even negative experiences become positive for me when I find the lesson in them. ❤

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